[Histonet] Bone Marrow clot

Percival Karen KPercival <@t> wyeth.com
Thu Feb 4 12:57:48 CST 2010

Gary, absolutely the heparin is the problem.  We (histologist) would participate in the bone marrow procedure to make slides immediately with the unheparinized sample.  If someone is making those slides for you, they need to use an unheparinized specimen.  Of course, that makes the task of slide preparation more difficult, as the time is very limited.  It helps to have an experienced person performing that procedure.

>>> "Martin, Gary" <gmartin <@t> marshallmedical.org> 2/4/2010 1:19 PM >>>

We have recently been receiving bone marrow specimens where the syringe
has been heparinized before the aspiration is retrieved.  We are having
problem getting the clot sections to stay on the slide.  Could the
heparinization be causing this problem, and if so, is there a solution? 

Thank you 


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