[Histonet] Polarizing filters
Monfils, Paul
PMonfils <@t> Lifespan.org
Wed Sep 16 13:12:38 CDT 2009
The polarizer and analyzer are identical filters, and either of them can be used in either location. One must be between the light source and the slide being viewed. The other must be between the slide being viewed and your eye or camera. I place one filter directly on top of my illuminator. The other is in a filter slide in the microscope column, which can be pushed into the light beam or pulled out of it, but you can also place it directly on top of the slide. You rotate either filter to achieve the polarization effect. I rotate the lower one since the other one is not accessible. These filters cut down the light intensity substantially, so you should use them with maximum brightness of the illuminator, iris diaphram wide open, and with neutral density or any other kinds of filters removed from the light beam, including the blue filter if you normally use one. Polarizing filters can be purchased at any camera store, and some science supply companies sell them. Get good quality glass filters though, not cheap plastic ones.
> ----------
> From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu on behalf of jstaruk
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:46 PM
> To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Subject: [Histonet] Polarizing filters
> Does anyone know where I can find the two appropriate filters (lenses)
> needed to polarize the congo red and Sirius red stains? I have an Olympus
> CH-2 that needs to be fitted. I understand I need a "polarizer" lens and an
> "analyzer" lens. Are these two different lenses or the same lens, just in
> different locations on the microscope?
> Thank you
> Jim
> _______________________
> James E. Staruk HT(ASCP)
> www.masshistology.com
> www.nehorselabs.com
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