AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody
Merced M Leiker
leiker <@t>
Mon May 18 08:42:30 CDT 2009
Hi TF and all interested,
I think I know what you want, but unfortunately I don't know how to answer
your question (it is something I'd like answered myself!!) To re-word for
the sake of all interested:
You want to perform double-immunofluorescent staining using 2 primaries
that were raised in the same species.
An additional question for clarification is: Do you want to do this on
paraffin or frozen sections?
Maybe someone can help figure it out...
--On Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:16 AM +0800 TF <tifei <@t>> wrote:
> But the heat also damage the fluorescnece...
> u need specific amplication kit anyway.
> 2009-05-17
> TF
> 发件人: Gudrun Lang
> 发送时间: 2009-05-17 02:00:18
> 收件人: tifei <@t>
> 抄送: histonet <@t>
> 主题: AW: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody
> For doublestaining the primary undergoes denaturation through a second
> HIER-step. The second secondary ab doesn't bind to the first primary.
> Therefore the binding sites must have been destroyed by heat in
> retrieval-buffer.
> Gudrun
> -----Urspr黱gliche Nachricht-----
> Von: histonet-bounces <@t>
> [mailto:histonet-bounces <@t>] Im Auftrag von TF
> Gesendet: Samstag, 16. Mai 2009 18:48
> An: Histonet <@t>
> Betreff: [Histonet] Chemicals that inactivate the primary antibody
> Hi all, just wonder what kind of treatments/chemicals can complete block
> the binding of 2nd antibody to binded primary antibody on antigen?
> I tried HCl , but does not damage all the primaryantibody binding sites -
> i can still see staining pattern finally.
> 2009-05-17
> TF
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Merced M Leiker
Cardiovascular Medicine
348 Biomedical Research Building
State University of New York at Buffalo
3435 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14214
leiker <@t>
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