[Histonet] RE: KI67 test for fixation?

C.M. van der Loos c.m.vanderloos <@t> amc.uva.nl
Mon May 11 01:34:27 CDT 2009

Gudrun,Ki67 as stained by SP6 rabbit monoclonal antibody survives quite long formaldehyde fixation. Up to 2 months of fixation, the staining intensity is as strong as after 1 day of formaldehyde fixation. Even after one year in formalin there is still staining of this marker. I don't know what the status of Ki67 will be after too short fixation. Cheers,ChrisChris van der Loos, PhD
Dept. of Pathology
Academic Medical Center M2-230
Meibergdreef 9
NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam
The NetherlandsDate: Sat, 9 May 2009 20:34:39 +0200
From: "Gudrun Lang" <gu.lang <@t> gmx.at>
Subject: [Histonet] KI67 test for fixation?
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Hi all!

Can anybody explain the correlation of KI-67 stainability and the status of

I cannot remember, if an under- or overfixed tissue shows the positive KI67
nuclei. And I don't remember, if this test is still valuable.


Please help,


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