[Histonet] staining brain vessels

Andrea Hooper anh2006 <@t> med.cornell.edu
Thu Mar 5 11:41:54 CST 2009

Hi Colleen,

Although I agree that you have to make sure your 
markers are good for the particular species you 
work with, I respectfully disagree that CD34 does 
not "work" in mouse.

CD34 is one of the best vascular markers for 
mouse paraffin sections, of course it is 
absolutely tissue specific. In mouse brain, 
specifically, it is the best pan-EC marker I have 


At 10:58 AM -0600 3/5/09, Colleen Forster wrote:
>Again, you need to be sure that it will work in 
>mouse samples. CD34 is another marker that does 
>not work well in mouse.
>Colleen Forster
>anh2006 <@t> med.cornell.edu wrote:
>>You could use CD31 but would need to digest 
>>first as it doesn't work well in fixed tissue 
>>without enzymatic retrieval.
>>CD34 is a gem for brain vessels in paraffin so 
>>might work in fixed frozen as well.
>>------Original Message------
>>From: iskaliora
>>Sender: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
>>To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
>>Cc: ɣɩɣɴÉ* ɮɂɴɃɂɩÉüÉ®É*
>>Sent: Mar 5, 2009 5:17 AM
>>Subject: [Histonet] staining brain vessels
>>I was wondering if anybody might have an idea 
>>with the following  problem we are 
>>experiencing:  we want to stain for blood 
>>vessels in  sections of mouse brain.  Our 
>>experimental tissues have been fixed  overnight 
>>in 4% paraformaldehyde and have been sitting in 
>>PBS since.  
>>We have tried staining with antibodies against 
>>desmin, SMA, and  collagen but we get NO 
>>specific signal.  We recently tried a non-fixed 
>>mouse brain and got desmin to work immediately. 
>>The problem is that  we need to use the fixed 
>>brains because they are our experimental  model 
>>and it would take too long (2 years to be 
>>exact) to generate the  same samples.  If 
>>anybody has come across such a problem before, 
>>or  has a specific protocol for vessels that 
>>works on PFA fixed brain, we  would appreciate 
>>the suggestions!
>>thanks in advance!
>>Irini Skaliora, PhD
>>Investigator C? (Assistant Professor)
>>Developmental Biology Division
>>Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA)
>>Soranou Efessiou 4
>>Athens 11527
>>tel. +30-210-6597203 (office)
>>tel. +30-210-6597482 (lab)
>>fax. +30-210-6597545
>>email: iskaliora <@t> bioacademy.gr


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