[Histonet] DPX Canada balsam

Rittman, Barry R Barry.R.Rittman <@t> uth.tmc.edu
Sun Mar 30 12:48:28 CDT 2008

unfortunately I think that you are both correct.
While I like DPX for routine work, there are some applications such as mounting ground sections for which I feel Canada Balsam is better.


From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu on behalf of Carl Hobbs
Sent: Sun 3/30/2008 12:30 PM
To: Histonet
Subject: RE: [Histonet] Hematoxylin Shortage??

No such thang as "organic" Haemalum....lol
I personally am damn glad those horrible days of pontificating Histologists
are over.
I recall a meeting with Eric Wallington ( A God to us UK Histologists) when
I was giving a talk about MOVING on...
I presented DPX as a BEST mounting cement. That man dissed me. massive!
He buried me, to the amusement of the audience..." nothing can replace
Canada Balsam"
However, I have been proved right.

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