[Histonet] frozen sections
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Mon Jun 9 11:22:48 CDT 2008
If they have been frozen embedded in OCT at low temp. (-80ºC), you can go ahead and cut them and do your tests. If you want to fix them to prepare FFPE blocks, thaw and fix them and porcede as if they were "fresh" tissue.
René J.
Helen E Johnson <hej01 <@t> health.state.ny.us> wrote:
I have some frozen, unfixed tissues that I now wish I had fixed so that I
could section them. How difficult / possible would it be to cut and fix
sections from these tissues that would be suitable for immunohistochemistry
or fluorescence?
Helen Johnson (hej01 <@t> health.state.ny.us)
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