[Histonet] Schiff's removal

Blazek, Linda lblazek <@t> digestivespecialists.com
Mon Jul 14 10:07:12 CDT 2008

To who ever made the suggestion of using Anatech hand cleaner for Schiff's reagent to decolorize a PAS stain gets a GREAT BIG thanks!  A whole rack of slides inadvertently got stained with the Alcian Blue/PAS.  Anatech's hand cleaner did magic!

Linda Blazek HT (ASCP)
GI Pathology of Dayton
7415 Brandt Pike
Huber Heights, OH 45424
Phone: (937) 293-4424 ext 7118
Email: <mailto:lblazek <@t> digestivespecialists.com> lblazek <@t> digestivespecialists.com<mailto:lblazek <@t> digestivespecialists.com>
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