[Histonet] A really cool position in Washington State--

Cheryl tkngflght <@t> yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 15:33:08 CST 2008

Hello everyone!!

We have a lot of open positions right now and our "Help for Histotechs"
mailer regarding continuing education and a few other things went out around
Christmas--they're still hitting the mail so please let me know what you
think of it!  If you haven't filled it out yet, please do... If you want to
receive a copy--please reply to this email.

We're looking for good candidates for a truly wonderful opportunity.  It's a
day job, weekdays, with routine histo and lots of interesting other projects
through the week.  It's in Washington State and we can tell you more if
you're at all interested.  We're zero-pressure: it's your life-your choice.
It's our job to help you find a job where you are happy!!

Looking forward to any and all inquiries~


Cheryl R. Kerry, HT(ASCP), BA

Full Staff Inc.

Staffing the lab - One GREAT tech at a time.

281.852.9457 office

281.883.7704 cell

800.756.3309 fax and alternate phone

admin <@t> fullstaff.org


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