[Histonet] cracked samples

Andrea Grantham algranth <@t> u.arizona.edu
Tue Jan 8 08:32:35 CST 2008

Actually I meant to send this to the list and not just to Kemlo:

To: "Kemlo Rogerson" <Kemlo.Rogerson <@t> waht.swest.nhs.uk>
Subject: RE: [Histonet] cracked samples

Could it be that you caused the cracks in the some of the samples and 
not in others when you obtained the samples? I understood that both 
cracked and non-cracked samples were in the same block (would be in 
the same section of paraffin) so leaving on the waterbath is not going to help.

Andi Grantham
: Andrea Grantham, HT(ASCP)     Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy     :
: Sr. Research Specialist       University of Arizona               :
: (office:  AHSC 4212)          P.O. Box 245044                     :
: (voice:  520-626-4415)        Tucson, AZ  85724-5044    USA       :
: (FAX:  520-626-2097)          (email:  algranth <@t> u.arizona.edu)       :

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