[Histonet] Fontana Masson

John Kiernan jkiernan <@t> uwo.ca
Tue Dec 2 21:28:20 CST 2008

   Probably the best place to start is in Pearse's "Histochemistry"
   4   stuff   &amp; Fu   p.522-527  (19   chemistry  of  the  argentaf   Lillie  assumed  that  their  readers    that  had  been  in  use  for  100+ years! Unfo   chemical  information  is  not in many modern chemist   older  ones  are  more helpful. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>   need  to  follow  up  the  references  cited by Pearse and Lillie.    If&nbsp;  Unilever's library does not have these books, it's
   a        huge&nbsp;company.   Kiernan<BR>Anatomy,  UWO<BR>Lond   =   =<BR>-----   Original   Message   -----<   "Kalleberg,      Kristopher"      <KRISTOPHER.KALLEBERG <@t> U   NILEVER.COM><BR>Date:    Tuesday,   December   2,   2008
   15:04<   histonet <@t> li   All,<BR>&gt;   for  me  to  read  up  on  the    Fontana Masson staining of melanin   hard  time  finding<BR>&gt;  in    how    FM    stain    stains   the   <BR>&gt;   me   and<BR>&gt;  the  chemistry  and  reactions  involved.  Any   information,     <BR>&gt;    papers,    or<BR>&gt;
   references   advance.<BR>&gt;   Kalleberg<BR>&gt;    Research    Scientist<BR   Unilever    R&amp;D<BR>&gt;   40   Merritt   Blvd.<BR   >&gt;     Trumbull,     CT     06611<BR>&gt;     (203)
   381-5765<BR>&   ______________________   _______________________   5F   Histonet <@t> lis   http://lists.utsouthwester   n.edu/mailman/listinfo/histonet<BR><BR>

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