[Histonet] commercial antibody diluents w/ surfactants

Brianna Mbow bmbow <@t> seagen.com
Fri Apr 18 12:47:20 CDT 2008


In my previous position, I prepared all my own antibody solutions for
fluorescent staining 

myself with varying levels of blocking serum and triton-x for
permeabilization.  I'm now working in 

a lab that uses commercial antibody diluents and an autostainer with its
own washing solution.  Both the 

diluent and wash solution contain surfactant, but the concentration is
not listed.  I'm just wondering if 

anyone knows if the amount is sufficient for permeabilization in
fluorescent staining.  So far in the lab we

have only really been doing IHC and they have never added triton-x to
their solutions.  Also, out of general 

curiosity, is there a reason for needing more permeabilization in IF
compared to IHC staining?  Is it because 

of the size of fluorophore molecules?  Any ideas would be much


Thank you,

Brianna Mbow

Antibody Technologies

Seattle Genetics

Seattle, WA


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