[Histonet] Need help with Brain Tumor FS

tdobersztyn <@t> chmca.org tdobersztyn <@t> chmca.org
Thu Sep 13 15:14:40 CDT 2007

Hello All!

Can anyone recommend a protocol for frozen section technique - to cut 
Brain tumor biopsies.

The usual ice-crystal artifact sometimes renders the Frozen Sections 
unreadable for intra-operative diagnosis.

We use a Leica UV1850 cryostat set at -21*
OCT media 
and cut our FS at 8 microns
rapid stain H/E

The pathologist here tends to believe it is our technique that produces 
the artifact.

fast freezing with spray  vs slow freezing??????????

We have tried a lot of methods to eliminate this problem 

HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I know someone out there has a remedy for the headache 
this has created!!!!

Thank you all in advance!!! 
I am glad I can pose questions to others who might be dealing with the 
issues I deal with too!


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