[Histonet] RE: IHC and State requirements

Kim Tournear kimtournear <@t> yahoo.com
Thu Sep 13 09:26:43 CDT 2007

Hi Michelle,
  A lot employers will except either HT or HTL. And of course, how much experience you have under your belt is also a big consideration.  I think a lot of employers are finding out just how hard it is to find techs (registered or not) that can do the job and do it well, although there are a few states with their own state requirements which would require the tech to be ASCP certified either way. 
  I have found that being an HTL vs HT doesn't necessarily mean that one or the other can do the job better...I know a few HTL's that were grandfathered in and have done only a handful IHCs in their whole career, can't trouble shoot anything,  and produce poor quality slides and yet they hold the title of an HTL and the same goes for the HTs...(makes you wonder how they keep a job)...LOL....and I have taught and worked with students right out of college programs that were absolutely awesome and knew their stuff....go figure.....I say go for it.....Good Luck....

Kim Tournear, HT (ASCP), QIHC ( ASCP)
  Specialists in Dermatology
  Histology/Mohs Supervisor
  Tucson, AZ

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