[Histonet] Re: baby powder freeze aid

Robert Richmond RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Thu Oct 18 12:50:02 CDT 2007

Both talc and cornstarch baby powders are still available. I have
purchased each of them within the last few weeks - needed it to re-use
thick latex "chemotherapy gloves" at one hospital that didn't believe
in nitrile rubber gloves for formaldehyde.

I bought the talc powder at Wal-Mart, in what seemed obviously a
misbranded container. I bought the cornstarch at Walgreen's.

Both talc and starch particles are highly birefringent with a
polarizer. I've used talc for freezing muscle biopsy specimens - have
never tried cornstarch.

By the way, don't ever put talc on a baby's butt - some talc products
contain asbestos fibers. Use cornstarch.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist (and long-ago baby's butt powderer)
Knoxville TN

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