[Histonet] which mounting media for DAB + toluidine blue staining?
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Thu Oct 11 10:53:48 CDT 2007
Once the DAB has reacted (oxidized) it is permanent, no matter which mounting medium you use.
René J.
Moran Elishmereni <moran.elish <@t> gmail.com> wrote: Hi histonetters,
I am staining skin sections for mast cells (toluidine blue) and for an
eosinophil protein (using DAB). Can I use entelan as mounting media? It
works nicely for the tol blue, but I fear it will ruin the DAB staining. Is
there any alternative?
Moran Elishmereni
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
POB 12065
Jerusalem 91120, ISRAEL
Tel: 972-2-675-8746
Fax: 972-2-675-8144
Email: moran.elish <@t> gmail.com
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