[Histonet] Lean what not use 5 S

Marcia Funk FUNKM <@t> mercyhealth.com
Mon Mar 19 12:23:21 CDT 2007

One more thing on Lean.  Why are labs spending the BIG money to have a company
come in and take them through the Lean concept.  Most lab I know I hope have been following
the 5 " S" that they leaned in leadership.   If not maybe they need to look at there leadership. 

SORT  - Remove all items from the workplace that not needed
SET IN ORDER - Arrange items so that they are easy to use and label them so that they are easy to find.
SHINE - Cleanliness
SCANDALIZE - Creating a consistent way that tasks and  procedures are carried out.
SUSTAIN - Properly maintaining procedures

Sounds pretty simple to me.  That how I have run our lab and everyone  loves to come to work, and so do I.

Have a great Monday.

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