[Histonet] Fixation for Her-2/neu -Where's the Beef???

Lott, Robert Robert.Lott <@t> TriadHospitals.com
Fri Jun 15 11:37:14 CDT 2007

Hello Everyone,

.....been a lot of talk about this already, I'm aware of that.  Now I
want to know if there is any "real" scientific" basis for the new CAP
guideline for Her-2 IHC fixation that states "No less than 6 hrs. and no
more than 48 hrs. in aqueous NFB."  Any documented, peer-reviewed,
published data???


My sense is that this guideline really does represent best practice.
Most of us do well to get our breast specimens fixed for 6 hrs. in NBF!!


However, is there really some difference in performance of the Her-2 IHC
assay if a breast case is fixed for 48 hrs vs. one fixed for 54 hrs. or
72 hrs. (i.e. weekend/ holiday scenario).  UNDER-fixation would seem to
be so much more of issue than OVER-fixation.

It's this top end that bothers me so much!!!  


I am not aware of real data to support this new guideline!  Does anyone
out there know anything different?????




Robert L. Lott, HTL(ASCP)

Manager, Anatomic Pathology

LabFirst / Trinity Medical Center - formerly

Montclair Baptist Medical Center

800 Montclair Road

Birmingham, AL   35213

205-592-5388  phone

205-592-5646  fax

robert.lott <@t> triadhospitals.com


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