[Histonet] mouse/rat brain pituitary

Atoska Gentry gentras <@t> vetmed.auburn.edu
Wed Jan 24 10:55:00 CST 2007

Thanks Geoff, sorry I misconstrued my message a bit I'm aware of the 
general location of the pituitary, it's just that sometimes we have it 
upon EM sectioning from mouse and others we don't. Whereas, this is 
never a problem in cats or dogs ( our primary area of study). I 
appreciate your assistance. Atoska

Geoff McAuliffe wrote:
> Hi Atoska:
>    The pituitary is not in the brain, it is attached to the ventral 
> surface by a stalk, the infindibulum. Once the brain is removed, the 
> stalk breaks and the pituitary is left in the sphenoid bone. If you 
> cut through the brainstem and carefully lift the brain out of the 
> skull, you will see the infindibulum just posterior to the optic chiasm.
> Geoff
> Atoska Gentry wrote:
>> Hello, does anyone have info on an atlas/manual in which the 
>> pituitary of either mouse or rat brain is distinctively displayed? We 
>> have a research collaborator who is  specifically interested in 
>> studying mouse pituitary. But, we have not been able to find an atlas 
>> which shows it's exact location in mouse brain. And it is obviously 
>> not distinguishable upon gross exam. Your prompt replies will be much 
>> appreciated. Atoska :-)

Atoska S. Gentry, B.S., HT(ASCP)
Research Assistant IV
Scott-Ritchey RSCH Center
College of Vet. Med
Auburn, AL 36849
PH (334) 844-5579
FAX (334) 844-5850
email: gentras <@t> vetmed.auburn.edu

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