[Histonet] Animal Tissue

Esther Peters esther.peters <@t> verizon.net
Sat Feb 10 13:43:28 CST 2007


What animal tissue are you using?  I recall learning from HistoNet a 
while back that rodent tissues should be processed for shorter periods 
(30 min. per solution and paraffin change compared to 60 min.) because 
of potential hardening issues. This is also noted in several mouse/rat 
or small animal processing schedules provided in the Animal Processing 
Manual published by the National Society for Histotechnology's 
Veterinary, Industry and Research Committee, edited by Gayle Callis and 
Diane Sterchi (along with many other helpful tips for non-human tissue 
handling!).  I think it (or an updated version) is still available from 
NSH (Gayle, Diane?).

Esther Peters, Ph.D.
George Mason University

jhnspam <@t> aol.com wrote:

> I need to get some input on cutting animal tissue. I have always worked in  a 
> clinical setting and have recently moved into a research lab. I find that the 
>  tissue is very brittle and needs to be iced for an extremely amount of time. 
> Can  any of you animal cutting histo techs please give me some advice on what 
> type of  paraffin you are using and what processing schedule you are using. I 
> have  recently changed to Richard Allen type 9 paraffin and it seems to have 
> helped  some. I would appreciate any advice you can give me.
> Thanks,
> Pam
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