[Histonet] CD3 clean with RB monos

James L Burchette burch007 <@t> mc.duke.edu
Mon Apr 23 15:09:52 CDT 2007


Check out www.epitomics.com for information on rabbit monoclonal 

Best Regards,

Jim Burchette, HT(ASCP) QIHC
"A simple histotech from a little country hospital in North Carolina"

"Mildred Fail" <failm <@t> musc.edu> 
Sent by: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
04/22/2007 09:37 PM

<histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>

[Histonet] CD3 clean with RB monos

We have had quite a problem with CD3s on bone marrow biopsies  being
"messy" both with mouse monoclonals and rabbit polyclonals. Protein
block is used. Diluting the Ab out further lost some cells in the lymph
node control. We tried a  rabbit monoclonal. The staining is very
specific and intense. The slide is beautifully free of extraneous
staining. The higher dilution has not appeared to have effected the
number of cells stained. Question       is why would the rabbit
monoclonal produce a cleaner slide?
Rena Fail 

Rena Fail

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