[Histonet] Re:Bikes and Organ Donors

Bryan Llewellyn llewllew <@t> shaw.ca
Fri Nov 10 13:33:35 CST 2006

Originally BSA, Triumph and Norton were all independent companies producing
competitive death trap speed bikes for 19 year teenagers.  All were used for
the Ton Up club, doing 100 mph on a British road.  They were basically high
efficiency engines with two wheels and inferior brakes with the person lying
along the gas tank holding onto to sticks for steering (just a little
exaggerated).  All three bikes were inferior to the Velocette Venom
Thruxton, which left all three standing.

BMW was a middle aged rich guy's bike, and the envy of everyone else.

The all went under because the Japanese bikes were faster.  We called them
whiz bangs because of the sound they made as they sped by.  The calling of
Japanese bikes being British was a sarcastic reference to them killing a
revered industry.

Oh to be young again.

Bryan Lllewellyn

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pat Flannery" <pjfnefro <@t> duke.edu>
To: <Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: [Histonet] Re:Bikes and Organ Donors

> While I'm asking, what's the difference between a BSA and a Norton or
> Triumph, since they seem to be made by the same folks (according to
> Wikipedia anyway)?  Is it a Ford/Mercury/Lincoln type of thing or did  one
> "become" the other at some point?
> My apologies to the rest of the Histonetters for whom this is pretty
> off-topic, but we've entered into an area near and dear to my heart  (and
> wallet).  I'll return you to your regularly-scheduled  discussions of
> Histology after this post.  Anyone willing to take  this off-list is
> welcome to continue, though.
> -Pat Flannery
>  pjfnefro <@t> duke.edu
> On Nov 10, 2006, at 12:54 PM, Pat Flannery wrote:
>> Answering my own question here, but I think I just figured out what  a
>> BSA is: Birmingham Small Arms merged with Norton International  and the
>> BSA motorcycle works was spun off from them.  I guess I  just never saw a
>> BSA over here.  Did they go OOB or are they still  around (all the pics
>> on the net seem to be old/classic bikes)?
>> -Pat Flannery
>> On Nov 10, 2006, at 12:44 PM, Pat Flannery wrote:
>>> Thought I'd change the subject line since we've gone way past  gloves
>>> (does that mean the gloves are off?).
>>> Betsy, you've got me curious now and I'm going to show my  ignorance
>>> here, but what the heck's a BSA?  BMW I know, but BSA  sounds like
>>> lyophilized cow serum, not a motorcycle.
>>> -Pat Flannery
>>> On Nov 10, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Molinari, Betsy wrote:
>>>> Ouch! Besides our 2 Harleys I ride a Triumph Bonneville (antique
>>>> restored) and we have a BSA we are rebuilding so am I exempt?
>>>> Betsy Molinari HT (ASCP)
>>>> Texas Heart Institute
>>>> Cardiovascular Pathology
>>>> 6770 Bertner Ave.
>>>> Houston,TX 77030
>>>> 832-355-6524
>>>> 832-355-6812 (fax)
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