Breeden, Sara sbreeden <@t> nmda.nmsu.edu
Fri Nov 10 13:23:08 CST 2006

Because SO many have contributed and since I'm having trouble working
and laughing at the same time, here's a compiled list so EVERYONE can
laugh!  Keep 'em coming - the more the better.   I'll keep collecting
into next week, when I'll have another subject on which we can all
expound.  And then we'll get serious again.


*"I know it's been a long week. Why don't all of you go home at noon and
I'll take care of whatever comes in."

*"I just learned grossing from watching CSI Miami."

*"I don't need to see the slide; I'll take your word for it."

*"I know it's STAT, but you still need your lunch."

*"I don't want my slides until noon."

*"No problem, I'll wait until the mounting medium has set before I look
at the slide under oil immersion."

*"I did immunostaining once, worked for me every time!"

*"There is really no need for a tech to work Saturdays any more. We'll
just have someone on call."

*"Yes, I think it is a great idea that we close the lab for 2 weeks in

*"That's OK, go ahead and leave. I'll clean up the gross area and start
the VIP."

*"Bubbles make slide look pretty and fun to look at."

*"I just need one recut."

*"I will always gross at 3mm or less just to help you out from now on,
especially fatty specimens. I'll even teach the residents to gross

*"I would really like to understand what you do, it looks complex.
Perhaps I can watch and learn something."

*"You work so hard, and I appreciate it so much! Why don't you sleep in
on Monday? I'll cut my own slides."

*"Don't worry about it - I'll clean the grossing area myself."

*"I want one patient case per folder (20 slides/folder) even if there's
only one slide on the case."

*"Here, let me close that lid to the cryostat.  You know...if you leave
it open all the time, it really frosts up."

*"Would you please show me how you would like breast tissue grossed
in... to make your life easier?"

*"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you can't embed a 1 cm thick piece of

*"Please recut the slide thicker, it's too thin."

*"Our pathologist left a note that asked us to do a 'Helicopter stain'
on a gastric specimen, so my tech at the time asked him if he wanted us
to do that at the airport."


.... And my personal favorite so far...........


**"Can you hold this cigarette for me? I need two hands for this."


Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)

NM Dept. of Agriculture

Veterinary Diagnostic Services

PO Box 700

Albuquerque, NM  87106



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