[Histonet] Re: Giemsa Stain

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Fri Jul 7 13:08:18 CDT 2006

Kim Tournear asks >>I'm in need of a recipe for a giemsa stain using the 
powder. I also need a recipe for making light green from powder.<<

I've never - in more than 40 years - encountered anyone - including an 
intensely giemsophilic research lab 40 years ago - Wolbach's colophonium rosin and 
all - who made up their own Giemsa stain solution from the dry powder. It's 
supposed to be extremely difficult to do. Scrupulous exclusion of water is 
essential - that applies to stock bottles of the ready-made solution also.

Kemlo has given you adequate advice about Light Green SF. - And yes, Kemlo, 
many labs on this side of the pond have no books. American science education 
marches on into the new century.

Bob Richmond
Knoxville TN and Gastonia NC

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