[Histonet] Sub-X and Coverslipper Tape

Breeden, Sara sbreeden <@t> nmda.nmsu.edu
Thu Jan 19 13:14:26 CST 2006

I'm considering a change from my current xylene/Citrisolv setup to
totally Sub-X.  I know that Sub-X is approved for my Leica ASP300 and I
know I can use it in my staining setup, but before I make this major
commitment, I'd like to know if anyone has experienced any
incompatibility issues between Sub-X and the coverslipping tape.  I love
my tape coverslipper and have had no problems with lifting, etc., but as
they say in Texas..."If I ain't broke, don't fix it".  Thank you, in
advance.  May the Force be with you.

Sally Breeden, HT(ASCP)
New Mexico Department of Agriculture
Veterinary Diagnostic Services
POBox 4700
Albuquerque, NM  87196
(505)841-2518 FAX

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