[Histonet] alexa fluors

Gayle Callis gcallis <@t> montana.edu
Wed Jan 4 10:34:03 CST 2006

Hi Bob,

Happy New Year to you and yours - will you be in Charleston for the 
regional meeting this year?  So will Diane Sterchi and I, to give workshops!

Serotec does sell Alexa conjugates, as does BD Pharmingen and some other 
companies,  but these antibody/Alexa conjugates tend to be monoclonal or 
polyclonals for more specific staining (i.e. CD markers) along with 
immunoglobulin isotype- conjugates rather than some of the other Alexa 
products, i.e. Strepavidin-Alexa Fluors or secondary antibody-Alexa 
conjugates and their tidy little conjugation kits found at Molecular Probes.

The Serotec website was excellent for some interesting shopping, a heck of 
a lot friendlier than the horrible, lumbering giganticus BD Pharmingen 
website -  our BD rep hates his own website.


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