[Histonet] aldehyde fuchsin prep and double stains for specials

Madary, Joseph MadaryJ <@t> MedImmune.com
Thu Feb 9 13:15:50 CST 2006

Hello my heroes of the histonet, I am having trouble with the aldehyde fuchsin stain.  Not the procedure, the reagent. I have made this stuff up more times than a headhunter whining.  Twice I made it up, changed everything but the basic fuchsin each time.  It will not ripen to that deep purple color, and will not work in procedure either.  I checked the archives and see that one of the many masters of the microtome Johnny Kiernan recommends heating during the prep, I will try that.  The paraldehyde was fresh both times, but was in the fridge at 4 degrees and froze because its melting point is like 11 degree or something.  I called Sigma and they said it changes states all of the time in shipping and at the warehouse and freeze thaw on that stuff is insignificant.  I never had a problem with that before anyway.  Anyway, I need to do a Mast Cell stain and although the investigator is accepting TOL BLU she wants some different procedures, so I will do Torens, as well.  But here is the other thing she wants a doubel stain for muci and mast cells, any ideas?  I have tried some but will not share I want fresh thoughts.

Histology Mgr, Medimmune Inc
One Medimmune Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20878

3013984745/6113 fax 9745

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