[Histonet] Tri-State Spring Meeting-MN
cforster <@t> umn.edu
Wed Feb 1 10:29:35 CST 2006
Hello to all in Histoland,
On behalf of the Minnesota Society for Histotechnology I would like to
extend an invitation to each one of you. The MN/IA/WI Tri-State Spring
Symposium is coming in April.We have an exciting program prepared. Look
over the details and come and join us.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of us.
Colleen Forster
MSH President
Subject: 2006 Tri-State Spring Symposium - April 19th-21st - Madison,
Date: 1Feb06 5:38am
2006 Tri-State Spring Symposium
Sponsored by:
Minnesota Society for Histotechnologists
Wisconsin Histology Society
Iowa Society of Histotechnology
Dates: April 19-21, 2006
Meeting Location:
The Madison Concourse Hotel
1 West Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin
Phone: (800) 356-8293
Room Rates:
Wednesday night (April 19) $89.00*
Thursday night (April 20) $89.00*
Free underground parking for hotel guests
*Standard guest room plus tax
Check In/Check Out Time
Check In Time 3:00 p.m.
Check Out Time 11:00 a.m.
Hotel Reservation Information:
Room reservations should be made directly with the Madison Concourse Hotel
at 1-800-356-8293
To secure symposium rates, make your reservations early and indicate that
you are affiliated with the Tri-State Histology Symposium. All reservations
must be guaranteed with a major credit card.
Reservation deadline for the special Tri-State Symposium room rate is March
21, 2006.
Directions to the Madison Concourse Hotel
www.concoursehotel.com (maps & directions)
Wednesday, April 19
7:00 9:00 pm Registration and Product Show
Pizza Party - Courtesy of Histotronix Inc.
Thursday, April 20
8:30 12:00 From Collection to Management;
Techniques for the Management
of Small Tissue Specimens
James McCormick M.D., M. Lamar Jones
Lee Dickey, Skip Brown, McCormick Scientific
10:00 - 10:30 Break With Exhibitors
12:00 1:00 Lunch With Exhibitors
1:00 4:30 Workshop #1:
Are You For Real? Troubleshooting What Isnt
Lori Ann Cummings, Vision BioSystems Inc.
1:00 4:30 Workshop #2:
How LEAN Principles Can Be Applied
to the Histology Laboratory
Janice Mahoney, Omaha, NE
1:00 4:30 Workshop #3:
Specimen Tracking in the Histology Laboratory
Bill Martin, Thermo Electron Corporation
2:30 3:00 Break with Exhibitors
4:45 5:45 WHS Business Meeting
6:00 7:00 Cocktail Hour
Courtesy of Leica Microsystems
7:00 10:00 Let the 2006 Tri-State Games Begin
Sports Theme Banquet
(sports attire appreciated)
10:00 - ? Hospitality Party
Courtesy of Surgipath
Friday, April 21
8:30 9:15 Breast Biopsies
C.K. Chang, M.D., Madison, WI
9:15 10:00 An Introduction to Electron
Microscopy Techniques
Mark Sadowski, Milwaukee, WI
10:00 10:30 Break With Exhibitors
10:30 11:15 Histology of the Exceptional and Edible
Annette Gendron,DVM, Madison, WI
11:15 12:00 CSI or Not
Jerome Geurts, Madison, WI
12:00 1:00 Lunch With Exhibitors
1:00 4:30 Workshop #4:
Are You Ready to Microwave?
Donna Willis, Milestone Medical
1:00 4:30 Workshop #5:
Eye Structures and Techniques
of Gross Examination of the Globe
Heather Potter, M.D., Madison, WI
Amol Kulkarni, M.D., Madison, WI
1:00 4:30 Workshop #6:
Cost Accounting
for the Histology Laboratory
Jan Gardner, Palestine, TX
Tim Morken, Lab Vision Corporation
1:00 4:30 Workshop #7: *Limited to 20 people*
From Amygdala to Arabidopsis:
the Whys and Hows
of Vibrating Blade Microtomy
Jennifer Freeland, Richard-Allan
Please note: All workshops are CEU approved
Minnesota Society for Histotechnology
Social Security #:
Current MHS member: Yes ____ No ____
Registrations due by April 14, 2006
Registration refunds will not be given after April 17, 2006
------------ Two-day Registration ---------------
(includes breaks, lunches, banquet ticket, and choice of one workshop each
Members: Includes MSH dues $120.00
Non-Members: Includes MSH dues $140.00
Student Fee $ 40.00
Circle workshop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Friday 2nd choice________
----------- One-day Registration with Banquet ----------------
(includes breaks, lunch, banquet ticket, and choice of one afternoon
Members: Includes MSH dues $70.00
Non-Members: Includes MSH dues $80.00
Student Fee $20.00
Circle workshop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Friday 2nd choice________
---------- One-Day Registration without Banquet -----------
One-day Registration (without banquet ticket)
Note day attending Thursday _____ Friday _____
Members: Includes MSH dues $60.00
Non-Members: Includes MSH dues $70.00
Student Fee $20.00
Circle workshop 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Friday 2nd choice________
----------- Thursday Night Banquet Only -----------------
Banquet Ticket $25.00_________
----------- Unable to attend / Paying 2006 Society Dues ----------
Unable to attend, paying 2006 dues $20.00 ($5.00 student)
Circle: New Renewal Student
========== Total Payment =================
Total Payment: $ ______
Method of Payment :
Awaiting Funds _____________
Make Checks Payable To:
Minnesota Society for Histotechnology
Mail Check and Registration Form To:
Lois Rowe
226 8 1/2 Ave. NW
Rochester, MN 55901
rowe.lois <@t> mayo.edu
Colleen Forster HT(ASCP)QIHC
Anatomic Pathology Research Laboratory
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
B173 PWB, MMC76
420 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
email: cforster <@t> umn.edu (612)626-1930
Phone (612)626-1930
Fax (612)624-4660
Colleen Forster HT(ASCP)QIHC
Divison of Neuropathology
J105 Diehl Hall, MMC174
420 Delaware St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612-625-0440 (f)
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