[Histonet] Re: cardboard slide markers

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Fri Dec 15 12:23:30 CST 2006

Hazel Horn is >>looking for cardboard slide markers you use in slide filing 
cabinets when you remove slides to mark the space and indicate where the slides 

You can make extremely durable slide filing cabinet markers by cutting 3.5 x 
1 inch strips (use a paper cutter) out of exposed developed (the blacker the 
better) X-ray film. The specimen radiograms your pathologists receive (or 
should receive!) with wire-localization breast biopsy specimens are a convenient 
source of film - but hurry, radiology departments are going digital in a hurry, 
and film will soon go the way of wet-tank developing (hey, I AM a geezer to 
remember that!).

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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