[Histonet] Re: sporadic CJD

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Sun Aug 13 13:17:11 CDT 2006

Cristin irgendwo in Oesterreich fragt:

>>I've been asked to work up some formalin fixed heart, lung, liver etc. but 
NOT brain or CNS from a case with sporadic CJD. I've been told that this can 
be done without any precautions, like every other specimen.<<

All tissues from a patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) should be 
regarded as potentially infectious. Consult the CDC Web site at
and obtain some expert advice with this problem.

Allein unter den Deutschspraechigen der Welt koennen die Oesterreicher lachen 
- bitte aber nicht mit Lachenskrankheit (Kuru).

Bob Richmond
Knoxville, Tennessee and Gastonia, North Caroliina

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