[Histonet] methasol fast blue

Manuelle De Bock manuelle.debock <@t> UGent.be
Mon May 9 07:22:59 CDT 2005

I am trying to stain collected gastric tissue cells with Maxwell's staining procedure (1963)
but we don't have methasol fast blue in our lab. I also can't find any links on the web where I can buy this dye. can someone help me with this? Is it the same dye as Luxol fast blue?

Kind regards 

Manuelle De Bock, dierenarts (DVM)
Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology 
Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
B9820 Merelbeke - Belgium
Tel 0032(0)9 264 7745
Fax 0032(0)9 264 7789

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