[Histonet] static on slides & Cryostat

Viktor Kharazia Kharazia <@t> egcrc.net
Mon Mar 21 20:13:00 CST 2005

we observed that cryosections (~10um) would stop jumping onto (or away from) the approaching microscopic slide once that slide has been treated in liquid nitrogen prior sectioning. Dipping of factory-coated microscope slides (Silane-Prep, Sigma) in liquid nitrogen and holding (with forceps) the slide <10 sec (until bubbling will stop) appear to take away most of annoying static charges from otherwise good slides from Sigma. After dipping, slides should be quickly placed inside of the Cryostat (Leica) and used for collecting sections. *Our slides are used for LCM or in situ hybridization. This "super-conductivity magic" did not seem to affect tissue adhesion and it is RNAse-free... 

Viktor Kharazia & Francesco Giorgetti, Gallo Center, UCSF;  kharazia <@t> egcrc.net

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