[Histonet] IHC humidity chamber?

Mikael Niku mikael.niku <@t> helsinki.fi
Wed Mar 9 05:28:51 CST 2005


If you're doing lots of slides, you might try a big cake box by
Tupperware. The box is about 50cm  x 30 cm x 15 cm. It includes a tray
with has sort of rails or bars which make excellent stands for the
slides. We put wet paper towels on the bottom, then stack several trays
in the box, and this way we can fit in a massive number of slides.
Really the only drawback was that it was originally transparent, so I
needed to paint/tape it.

I'm not sure if these boxes are still available, though.

Anyway, we later found out it's much better to use Shandon Coverplates
for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. We are nowadays
doing almost everything in them. Just the racks and the plates, that's
all you need. The racks are terribly expensive but worth it if you're
doing lots of immunos. Samples can never dry out, and you save in
reagent volumes, processing time, and your nerves.


  Mikael Niku             URL: www.helsinki.fi/~mniku/
  University of Helsinki  Dept. Basic Veterinary Sciences

  - Mitäkö mieltä olen länsimaisesta sivistyksestä?
  Minusta se olisi erinomainen ajatus!

                                          - Gandhi


> -----Original Message-----
> From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
> [mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of J m
> Sent: 7. maaliskuuta 2005 18:27
> To: Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Subject: [Histonet] IHC humidity chamber?
> salut,
> Does anyone know of a supplier in Canada for the IHC humidity 
> chambers. I 
> used to have a black plastic one with a clear lid but I don't 
> know where it 
> came from or where i can get another one. I am tired of 
> having slides dry 
> out during overnight incubation in the make-shift chambers I 
> have tried to 
> construct. Regular tissue sections seem to "hold" the 
> solution on the slide 
> better than tissue arrays which are more apt to losing there 
> solutions. I 
> don't like using water repelent pens to circle the arrays but any 
> suggestions would be appreciated.
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