[Histonet] RE: Chlamydia antibody and Aspergillus IHC

Sverlow, Karen ksverlow <@t> cahfs.ucdavis.edu
Thu Jul 21 12:20:46 CDT 2005

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone found a replacement antibody for the Virostat Chlamydia
monoclonal product #1631 (no longer available)? Specifically, we are
looking for a monoclonal that will detect Chlamydia in FFPE mammalian
and avian tissues.

On another note, I would like to talk with those of you doing
Aspergillus IHC. Please email me.

Thank you,

Karen Sverlow

Staff Research Associate

California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory

University of California, Davis

ksverlow <@t> cahfs.ucdavis.edu

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