[Histonet] culture on coverslips troubles

Andrea Grantham algranth <@t> u.arizona.edu
Tue Jul 19 13:23:32 CDT 2005

When an investigator requests this we dip our coverslips in a 
chrome-alum-gelatin mixture and let them dry then pick up frozen sections 
on the coverslips. We use it for slides as well sometimes.

10 gm           Gelatin
1000 ml         D. H2O
5 gm            Chromium Potassium Sulfate
optional - few crystals of Thymol
Dissolve the gelatin in hot distilled water - not boiling.
Cool and dissolve the Chromium Potassium Sulfate in the gelatin mixture. A 
magnetic stirrer is helpful.
Add a few crystals of thymol if you want.
Store at RT in clean bottles. If you put it in the refrigerator the gelatin 
will harden (duh!).

Make sure your coverslips are clean, clean, clean. Drain on paper toweling 
and allow to air dry. Store them in a dust free box when dry.

Wear gloves - this is a possible carcinogen.

You might be able to use a Poly-L-lysine Solution too. Got mine from Sigma 
and dilute it 1ml to 10 in D. H2O.


At 12:16 PM 7/19/2005 -0500, LaCinda Burchell wrote:
>Greetings Histonetters:
>   I'm being asked to give advice about how to keep cultured cells on 
> their cover slips during IHC for Confocal Microscopy.  Is there a 
> specific technique for washing the cover slips without losing 
> cells?  Should the cover slips be "air-dried" at some point?  What 
> fixative is best for confocal microscopy?  Are there positively charged 
> cover slips out there?  Last question: Does anyone know of a list server 
> for culture people?   Marketing people please feel free to respond to me 
> regarding these questions if you think you can be of service.   I thank 
> you all, and I send thanks for my questioning friend.
>LaCinda Burchell, BA, AS, HT(ASCP)
>University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical School
>Asthma and Allergy Research IHC Lab
>600 Highland Ave.  CSC  K4/913
>Madison, Wisconsin  53792
>Phone: 608-262-3518
>FAX:     608-263-3746
>Histonet mailing list
>Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu

: Andrea Grantham, HT(ASCP)     Dept. of Cell Biology & Anatomy     :
: Sr. Research Specialist       University of Arizona               :
: (office:  AHSC 4212)          P.O. Box 245044                     :
: (voice:  520-626-4415)        Tucson, AZ  85724-5044    USA       :
: (FAX:  520-626-2097)          (email:  algranth <@t> u.arizona.edu)       :

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