[Histonet] cap ihc info

Roxanne Soto godsgirlnow <@t> msn.com
Fri Dec 9 09:18:39 CST 2005


     >I  have  a  question  about  a particular IHC that I do on a daily
     basis. I do a PIN-4 cocktail
     >stain  on  prostate  cores. This cocktail contains p63, CK903, and
     P504S. My question is, do I
     >need to perform a negative control?
     >Right  now  we are not CAP certified, but we are looking to become
     certified. CLIA only
     >requires one negative per case, instead of one negative per block.
     We deal with very tiny
     >cores  and  I  am  currently following the CLIA guidelines in this
     matter. However, we are
     >looking  to  automate  and  work  on  CAP  accreditation  and this
     negative factor would greatly
     >increase  our volume and therefor would mean that we would need to
     get a stainer to
     >accommodate the volume.
     >I  know that whenever I do a CK903, I do not do a negative because
     the tissue has built in
     >controls. Is this now null and void because of the racemase?
     >Please advice.
     >Thank you
     >Roxanne Soto HT(ASCP)

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