[Histonet] RE: Service Contracts on Finesse ME Microtomes
Julien Lambrey de Souza
julien_lambreydesouza <@t> uqar.qc.ca
Wed Dec 7 07:17:32 CST 2005
We have had the Finesse ME for three years now. We took the warranty
extension but never had to use it. However, it was an ease of mind to
have it because you never know what might happen. Even if these
microtomes are good quality machines, there is always an exception to
the rule. If your budget is not a problem, I would consider taking to
extension, but if money is limited, you might want to seriously think
about it. It also depends on who is using the microtome (whether they
are experienced people or not) and the usage rate (does it work
24H/day, 7 days/week?).
I wish I could be of more help,
Julien Lambrey de Souza
Research assistant, Evolutionary biology
University of Quebec at Rimouski
Tel: (418) 723-1986 #1714
Fax: (418) 724-1849
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