AW: [Histonet] tween detergens

John A. Kiernan jkiernan <@t>
Mon Aug 8 10:52:07 CDT 2005

Gudrun Lang wrote:
> If you say Tween 20 is good for washing FISH-slides, 
> I am satisfied and say thank you very much.

That is NOT what I said! I wrote"
> >                                               ... You must
> > faithfully follow the original published procedure, using the
> > same kind of cells or tissues, and including proper positive
> > and negative controls. ...

That means you must find the original publication in
a library, to be sure that you have the correct
instructions for the method. The instructions you
were given before (with fluorescent dishwashing liquid)
obviously were wrong. That is why you must read the
original publication.
John A. Kiernan
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
The University of Western Ontario
London,   Canada   N6A 5C1

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