[Histonet] F8 for porcine

Amy Porter portera203 <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Apr 29 17:48:05 CDT 2005

Patsy - I believe that we have used this antibody on skin samples in the past without any problems.

Patsy Ruegg <pruegg <@t> ihctech.net> wrote:Does anyone know if Dako's rabbit polyclonal anti-human Factor 8 will cross
react with pig endothelial cells?


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Amy S.Porter, HT(ASCP), QIHC
Michigan State University - Department of Physiology
Division of Human Pathology 
Investigative Histopathology Laboratory
2201 Biomedical Physical Sciences  Room 2133
East Lansing, MI  48824-3320
Ph:  517-355-6475 ext 1480/1481
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