[Histonet] National Histology Walkout

Jackie M O'Connor Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com
Fri Apr 1 16:50:08 CST 2005

I love my job. I love my job.  I love my job.   I'm paid what I consider a 
fair wage - after all, I agreed to the salary before I took this job - 
didn't we all?
I agreed to the benefits, I agreed to the terms.  No one made me take this 
job, and no one makes me stay here.  I'm good at what I do, and my bosses 
appreciate, respect, and reward that. 
I've been in this business since 1970 - ASCP since 1971 - quit paying my 
ASCP dues around 1980, I guess. I lost my certificate with all the little 
stickers - the ASCP told me I would have to re-pay for all the lost 
stickers. So - no more stickers.   I've had 3 really great jobs in 35 
years, and about 15 that just plain sucked - but I've never had to stay 
somewhere I didn't like.   I followed my Navy husband around the country 
for 20 of those years, so I was never able to work anywhere more than 3 
years at a time - but I never EVER had trouble finding a good histology 
job where I was treated fairly.  I DID turn down many jobs that just 
didn't pay well, or had horrible working conditions.  I once turned down a 
good paying job at a world famous zoo because I was disgusted with the 
appearance of the working conditions behind the scenes.   I wasn't working 
for the love of histology - I was a Navy wife trying to supplement my 
husbands crummy income to raise 4 kids.  When he was deployed, and I was 
left alone with those 4 kids, the hospital I was working at ( a good plug 
for Sharp Memorial in San Diego) allowed me to adjust my schedule to 
accommodate what I needed to do to handle my kids.
I've also learned that not every organization is willing to listen to an 
unhappy employee.  If your boss is keeping his boss happy, they really 
don't care if he's "mean" to you.  I remember going to HR at one place 
because my boss showed up for work apparently drunk - HR asked me "What do 
you want us to do about it?"   I worked in another place where the 
pathologist insisted she knew secrets about Elvis' death.  Worked another 
place where one of the pathologists was arrested for selling gold from 
full mouth dental extractions.  I've got a million of them.  I also worked 
at a hospital (1970's) where all the lab workers went out on strike (I was 
a scab - I was sent there to fill in from another hospital where I was 
employed - I didn't know the meaning of the word scab then).  The hospital 
fired ever single person who went on strike.
Sometimes the light just has to come on before you realize there aren't 
many Nirvana's out there. 
I still have to work - I've still got 3 kids to finish college - I know 
that if I lost this job tomorrow, I'd have to get another one -but I was 
looking for a job when I found this one. 
What do you want from the ASCP?  They haven't done anything for me in 25 
years - anything I've learned I've done on my own - and I've done well (I 

"Robyn Vazquez" <vazquezr <@t> ohsu.edu>
Sent by: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
04/01/2005 02:08 PM

        To:     WWmn916 <@t> aol.com, Janet.Bonner <@t> FLHOSP.ORG, 
histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu, 
histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
        Subject:        RE: [Histonet] National Histology Walkout

I belong to a union.  If they were to strike then I would be expected to 
walk out.  BUT!!! As bad as it sounds...I would cross the picket line, 
because the patients that I serve have dermatological cancer and that's 
way more important than $$$...I am paid good already.  I just wish they 
gave us more vacation though as always...


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