[Histonet] Immuno question about CK markers

Amy Porter portera203 <@t> yahoo.com
Thu Sep 9 17:59:06 CDT 2004

Need some help everyone.  I am taking the QIHC exam and am looking for a little advice about the grading system with regards to Cytokeratin 7 and Cytokeratin 20.  While I realize that they would like to have them mirror each other, will they down grade your score if both of your tumors are not completely negative for the opposite marker.  I have excellent staining in both tissues that are supposed to be positive for each marker and then foci's of sporadic staining (maybe 2 or 3 spots) that demonstrates positive reaction where the tumor is negative.  I am guessing that this is just the nature of the cytokeratin world, that not all tissue components will be negative.  Hope this makes sense and someone can give me some idea from their own experience.  Thanks in advance for all the help i know i will get.

Amy S.Porter, HT(ASCP) 
Michigan State University 
Department of Physiology 
Division of Human Pathology 
College of Human Medicine 
portera203 <@t> yahoo.com

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