[Histonet] Hard of hearing, anyone?
Mon Oct 4 16:48:03 CDT 2004
I agree entirely, but have never done a decibel reading. Would be
interested in other replys, as my techs have recently been asking the
same question. So much automation can hurt the ears:-) Jen
>>> "Flores, Teresa" <tflore <@t> lsuhsc.edu> 10/04/04 02:49PM >>>
Dear Histonetters, perplexed with what I am working with and wondering
anyone else is having this trouble.
With all the automated equipment in the labs, refrigerators,
auto this and auto that, has anyone ever or routine performs a decibel
reading in a histology lab?
The reason I ask is that we have four ultramicrotones; a microwave, a
building lab vent a hood, two counter top vents and two venting hoods
vent two processers, 3 refrigerators and a cryostat in a square footage
20' x 25'. When someone walks in, I cannot hear a thing they are saying
me, I have to be right next to them and it is such a relief when I do
out of the lab, so soothing to my ears, the quiet.
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