[Histonet] Immuno Artifact?

Bryan Hewlett bhewlett <@t> cogeco.ca
Mon Nov 8 11:36:53 CST 2004

I agree, but it could also be water since the Becke lines do not appear
quite wide enough for air.

Bryan Hewlett, ART, MLT
Consultant Technologist
Quality Management Program-Laboratory Services
Toronto, Ontario,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marshall Terry Dr, Consultant Histopathologist"
<Terry.Marshall <@t> rothgen.nhs.uk>
To: "jason m" <kosmicdog <@t> hotmail.com>; <histonet <@t> pathology.swmed.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: [Histonet] Immuno Artifact?

That surely is entrapped air under the coverslip.

Dr Terry L Marshall, B.A.(Law), M.B.,Ch.B.,F.R.C.Path
 Consultant Pathologist
 Rotherham General Hospital
 South Yorkshire
        terry.marshall <@t> rothgen.nhs.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: jason m [mailto:kosmicdog <@t> hotmail.com]
Sent: 08 November 2004 16:47
To: histonet <@t> pathology.swmed.edu
Subject: [Histonet] Immuno Artifact?

Can anyone identify the cause of this black circle artifact? It is small
black circles that look sort of like air bubbles only much too small which
have been turning up on my immuno's this week. I have changed all solutions
but still have the problem. Our lab uses toluene instead of xylenes, I am
wondering if that is the problem. Also I use Tween-20 in my citrate buffer
and I wonder if that could be the problem. At any rate I will be checking
both of these but if anyone can help It will be appreciated immensely. I
have sent a photograph of the artifact to the the list serv image archive
(see link below) under the filename "artifact.jpg".


Thanks again,

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