FW: [Histonet] IHC Cocktails: Can we charge multiples?

Patti Loykasek ploykasek <@t> phenopath.com
Tue May 25 16:30:48 CDT 2004

------ Forwarded Message
From: Patti Loykasek <ploykasek <@t> phenopath.com>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 09:18:29 -0700
To: "Dawson, Glen" <GDawson <@t> Milw.Dynacare.com>
Subject: Re: [Histonet] IHC Cocktails: Can we charge multiples?

Glen, it has been my understanding that you can charge for the antibodies in
a cocktail if you can detect each antibody separately. In other words, if
the staining pattern of the antibodies is different. We have used a melanoma
cocktail in the past, but no longer do this for several reasons. All of the
antibodies in the cocktail gave the same cytoplasmic staining pattern, and
we only charged for one. Also, if 1 antibody was not performing optimally
you would never know it since all have the same staining pattern. I
certainly am no charging/compliance guru, just my thoughts on the subject.

Patti Loykasek
PhenoPath Laboratories
Seattle, WA>
> All,
> I recently attended a conference where I was informed that we can charge for
> mulitple antibodies when we do an IHC cocktail.  For instance; my melanoma
> cocktail has 3 different antibodies in it and we've always just charged one
> 88342 for it, but could we charge 88342 X 3 for each of these that we run?
> I'm just wondering if anyone out there does charge for each antibody in
> their IHC cocktails and, if so, whether or not any problems arose from the
> practice.  Also, are there any references that say in black and white that
> this is all on the up & up?
> Thanx In Advance,
> Glen Dawson
> Milwaukee, WI
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