[Histonet] ALK-Phos staining of OCT?

rfail rfail <@t> toolkitmail.com
Mon May 24 07:52:02 CDT 2004

Frozen sections stained with Mel-5 using an alkaline
phosphatase are showing a pink blush surrounding the tissue
on the slide. I washed the slides in running water for 30
minutes, then rinsed in buffer (TRIS), applied all our usual
blocks, protein block, biotin blocking reagents, and
levamisole, it's still there. The intensity is the same in
the lower dilutions as in the higher. It does not interfere
in the interpretation of the stain, but our docs are used to
very  "clean" IHC slides with both DAB and ALK-Phos
procedures. Any help on how to get rid of this blush would
be appreciated.

Rena Fail, HT(ASCP) QIHC
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC

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