[Histonet] phosphorylated antibodies
Henry, Charlene
Charlene.Henry <@t> STJUDE.ORG
Wed Jun 23 16:56:37 CDT 2004
We currently are doing several phosphorylated antibodies (pEGFR,
p-4E-BP1(thr37/46, p-4E-BP1 (SER65), pP53, pP70S6Kinase, p107, pHE, pRb,
and p-m-TOR) that are working very well. Sometimes they are a little
more difficult to develop however I have found that the phosphorylated
antibodies from Cell Signaling seem to work the best. If you are working
with any of these, let me know and I'll share our protocol.
Charlene Henry, HT QIHC
Histology/IHC Section Head
Department of Pathology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
332 North Lauderdale
Memphis, TN 38105
Phone: 901-495-3349
FAX: 901-495-3100
-----Original Message-----
From: Patsy Ruegg [mailto:pruegg <@t> colobio.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 3:35 PM
To: Histonet <@t> Pathology. Swmed. Edu
Cc: Ihcrg <@t> Yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [Histonet] phosphorylated antibodies
Is anyone working with phosphorylated antibodies? Please share your
experiences with us if you are.
Thank you,
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