[Histonet] Ki-67 (MIB1) Immunohistochemistry and neutrophil labeling

david.l.krull <@t> gsk.com david.l.krull <@t> gsk.com
Wed Jun 2 08:49:46 CDT 2004

We recently had a Cyno monkey study which required evaluation of cell 
proliferation in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded liver sections.  During 
the review of the slides we noticed that neutrophils were also positive in 
addition to proliferating hepatocytes using DAB as the chromagen.  When I 
switched to Vector VIP the neutrophils were negative.  Has anyone else 
observed neutrophil labeling with Ki-67 using  DAB?  Could the DAB be 
reacting with the neutrophils?

David L. Krull
Scientist, Molecular & 
Ultrastructural Pathology
GSK Safety Assessment 9.2103
5 Moore Drive
RTP, NC 27709-3398

Phone: 919-315-2457
David.L.Krull <@t> GSK.com

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