[Histonet] RE: Statmark Pens

Dawson, Glen GDawson <@t> Milw.Dynacare.com
Wed Jul 28 08:20:42 CDT 2004


Statmark pens are, without a doubt, much better than the secureline slide
markers.  A company that doesn't test their product before shipping it to
their customers deserves to lose those customers.  But, just an FYI on the
Statmark pens: keep a pencil handy to label any IHC slides going into a high
pH citrate buffer for antigen retrieval since the Statmark pens will come
off in the hot solution.  I have yet to find anything else that will take it
off though.

Glen Dawson  HT & QIHC (ASCP)
IHC Coordinator
Milwaukee, WI

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