[Histonet] RE: curl sections
Kathleen Spencer
kspencer <@t> utmem.edu
Fri Jul 16 10:15:32 CDT 2004
My original post some time ago was about sections that curl in the
buffer, whether they curl on the knife or not. There was a post
yesterday, his curled in the buffer only. They curl up so tight that IHC
is impossible.
You can not say "they will flatten out" any longer, because in many
cases, they do not. They should, but they do not. For over one year we
have been fighting this problem. And I assure you that we have tried
everything. My frustration and despair is monumental.
On Friday, July 16, 2004, at 08:26 AM, Hernan Aldana wrote:
> For those trying to cut thick cryosections, it is not uncommon for them
> to curl. Just place them into your post -fix floating sections or PBS if
> they are fixed, right when you cut them. They will flatten out. Mount
> onto charged or gelatin coated slides. Air-dry for a minutes ant then
> run your Stains or immuno previous bath in distilled water. Per floating
> protocol lose a lot of regents.. When done dip into alcohols, xylene,
> coverslip.
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