[Histonet] control tissues

Lee & Peggy Wenk lpwenk <@t> covad.net
Thu Feb 26 19:16:11 CST 2004

Start with fresh, unfixed placenta or lung.
- If lung, slightly edematous works best.
- If placenta, press between towels several times, to try to get the excess
RBCs out.

Gross tissue into 2-3 mm cubes.

Contact microbiology to let them know you are on your way (after previously
talking with the supervisor days earlier about your needs).

Have the microbiology prepare tubes of liquid incubating media (appropriate
for the type(s) of micro-organism(s) you need).
- Gram negative (E. coli works well)
- Gram positive
- AFB (non-pathogenic)
- Fungus
- Spirochetes (rarely is it ever syphilis. Usually some type of large
spirochete, unfortunately. When large spirochetes are positive with the
silver stains, the small syphilis are not being demonstrated yet.)

(Helicobacter, as far as I know, cannot be grown in incubating media in
routine microbiology labs.)

Incubate tissue in culture media in 37 degree C. incubator overnight.

Pour 10% NBF in tubes in morning, and allow to fix for 30-60 minutes. Pour
out formalin/incubating media mixture, and pour in fresh NBF. Allow to fix
all day.

Place tissues in cassettes, label, process as usual. Embed.

Write up cost containment report, on how you make X number of blocks of
control tissues, which would equal Y number of slides. Which, if you had to
buy them from an outside source would have cost you $Z amount of money. And
the cost for you to do this procedures was a little bit of tech time, a few
cassettes and some paraffin. Therefore, you just saved your facility lots of
money! Document the collaboration between Histology and Microbiology.
Everyone looks like a winner.

Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
William Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI 48073

----- Original Message -----
From: "Evelyn Kaplan" <ekaplan <@t> squ.edu.om>
To: "Therersa Stegall" <STEGTM <@t> samcstl.org>
Cc: "Histonet" <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 10:49 PM
Subject: RE: [Histonet] control tissues

> Hi Theresa,
> Thanks for your reply but I am well familiar with the 'in-house' sytem of
> control tissues. I am more interested in inocultaing tissues, such as
> placenta, with 'substances' to create a new control block. Just wondering
> anyone has tried it!
> Regards,
> Evelyn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Therersa Stegall [mailto:STEGTM <@t> samcstl.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:00 AM
> To: ekaplan <@t> squ.edu.om
> Subject: Re: [Histonet] control tissues
> Evelyn:  We make many of our own controls, using other cases that are
> positive for the pathology tested for.  Our pathologists keep us
> informed on + Helicobacter Pylori, and for other things, we use tissue
> raided from surgicals (such as appendix for Trichrome, non-neoplastic
> spleen for reticulum, liver for PAS).  Good liver for Fe controls is
> hard to find, some Histonetters in England sent me a batch.  I think you
> could "raid" surgicals, and find nearly any tissue you need for
> controls.  Our computer system allows a natural language search, so it
> gets easier.  Peace,  Terre
> >>> "Evelyn Kaplan" <ekaplan <@t> squ.edu.om> 2/8/2004 12:13:37 AM >>>
> Good morning,
> I realise this is a subject which has been previously discussed but I
> wonder
> if anyone has had experience of 'manufacturing' their own control
> blocks? I
> have a student about to start a project  and would apreciate any
> protocols.
> Regards,
> Evelyn Kaplan,
> Dept of Pathology,
> College of Medicine and Health Sciences,
> Sultan Qaboos University,
> Oman
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